We create opportunities for CHILDREN in Colombia.

Check out our programs, initiatives and impact.

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Scholarships for Change


Scholarships Funded

Did you know that, in Colombia an estimated 1.5 million children are out of school? This represents a significant challenge for the country and highlights the pressing need for increased support and action to ensure universal access to quality education.

Donate a Scholarship →

Libraries for Change


Notebooks Donated

The Libraries of Change were created with the objective of strengthening community initiatives focused on promoting reading, writing and oral communication in children, adolescents and young people from vulnerable communities. We focus our efforts so that children and youth can acquire the necessary tools to develop their critical and reflective sense.

Donate a Library  →Donate your books →

Notebooks for Change


Notebooks Donated

The Notebooks for Change was the start of our social entrepreneurship dream. Our motivation? The children in Colombia who don't have access to school supplies, who have to write on newspaper's margins or stop attending school because they don't even have a notebook.

Donate a School Kit  →

The Star Project

A project that strengthens the life skills and basic competencies in English of 36 children and adolescents from Llano Verde (Cali).

Know the impact →

La Casa Azul

A space where the leadership skills and basic learning competencies of 30 boys, girls and young people from Commune 20 of Cali are strengthened, through a territorial approach and co-creation

Know the impact →

Transformation Spaces

Be Part of the Change

Quiero donar dinero

Apadrina mensualmente la educación de un estudiante o dona para nuestras bibliotecas o proyectos.

Dona Ya

Quiero donar tiempo

Únete a nuestra red de más de 200 voluntarios apoyando en 5 programas.

¿Ó eres artista? Participa para que tu arte sea la portada de nuestros cuadernos.


Quiero donar  libros

Dona libros nuevos o usados para dotar a las bibliotecas que entregamos a comunidades vulnerables.
